Affordable Housing

Erica understands the negative impacts that an unaffordable housing market has on the "It City" -- whether it is forcing residents into longer commutes, residing in substandard housing or limiting economic opportunity. As a result, she is committed to investing in policies that make Nashville more liveable, sustainable and affordable city for all its residents. 

She is committed to implementing processes such as fast[track applications to build affordable rental or owned housing for those low to middle-income residents through an interdepartmental city staff team with the ability to ensure these applications are given priority. 

Expand opportunities for housing partnerships, focusing on entities that have potential or underused land (e.g. healthcare facilities, churches, post-secondary institutions). 

Erica is in favor of adopting more creative inclusionary housing policies for major projects to ensure that developers of new neighborhoods are required to provide either rental or affordable ownership in a mix that better matches the broad needs of the community, particularly low and moderate-income households. 

She is committed to protecting existing non-profit, social and co-operative housing that may be under threat and continue to protect the affordable market rental housing stock using the community planning process to focus on strategies to repair, renew and expand the housing stock neighborhood by neighborhood. 

Finally, we must streamline and create more certainty and clarity in the regulatory process, and improve public engagement.